Upland Central Economic Zone
Ligao City, Albay
It’s easy to get lost in the uplands of Ligao when you’re a farmer. The absence of farm-to-market roads instantly cut off five upland barangays–Tandarura, Oma-Oma, Busac, Tiongson, and Tupaz–from the rest of the municipality.
The farms suffered from low yield because the farmers have no access to farming technologies. For the same reason, residents were not able to avail of basic services, financial assistance, and agriculture-related facilities of the local government.
Worse, the insurgency problem constantly interrupted the peaceful way of life of residents.
Ligao established the Upland Central Economic Zone, a countryside development program meant to address the concerns of the five barangays on low income, low productivity, and growing insurgency.
The upland Central Economic Zone paved the way for the reconstruction of the Paulba-Oma-Omaa road, providing access to Oma-Oma–the largest agricultural barangay in the area. The Bagsakan Center and a multi-purpose solar dryer were constructed simultaneously to service the needs of the five barangays. Soon enough, farmers began traveling to the zone to sell their goods.
The newfound accessibility resulted in various health, education, and livelihood programs that the residents are now able to enjoy.
This program is recognized as a Trailblazing Program, a finalist for the 2005 Galing Pook Awards.